
12 March 2012

Speed List

Interesting tittle right? Actually this is for my blog actually. So, I keep doing blog walking. But what's speed list?
The owner said : 
Speed List adalah satu program untuk memudahkan anda berblogwalking, anda hanya perlu klik sahaja logo diatas dan ia akan automatik membuka 6 link bloger yang lain. Speed List akan sentiasa berada di sidebar blog ini. 
So, I try it. and  *boom* 6 blogs open. So, I just trying la. Kononnya nak panaskan blog katanya. keke
I don't know is my blog get the place or not. So, just try.

Actually I like that blog. I mean
Why? I like the cartoon one. or comic and the owner using Malay. So, all blogs that I had found are using Malay. OTL