This is really not my own deck. I create with my friend. The main of this deck is fill your graveyard with Tender of the Laval Volcano, Lady Laval of Burning Lake, Laval Forest Spirite. But most important in this deck is Tender effect will give you more mill. Then use Rekindling for special summon them and preform synchro summon or XYZ summon.
How to fill your grave?
By using Foolish Burial. - But for me this card is kind too slow. Depends on your luck. I'm bad with luck. So, just side it. -
By using Laval Magma Cannoneer's effect. Which you can inflict 500 to your opponent. Kind good effect. How to summon him? Using Summoner Monk. You have many spell cards then discard to summon him. And preform XYZ to summon Lavalval Chain. Using Lavalval Chain's effect then you can mill Tender. Easy right?
Another choice is using Laval's Spell which let you to send two laval cards to grave.
Flamvell also needed so that;s why they inside this deck. With DEF 200 you can special summon by using Rekindling.
Always remember. In this deck, you have many choices to do. You cannot focus to summon Shooting Quasar Dragon only. Think more while duel.